Love Dances

Commissioned by the St. Louis Chamber Choir featuring work by composer and UCLA faculty Dr. Emma Lou Diemer. The St. Louis Chamber is Directed by Philip Barnes. Love Dances was performed at The Music Center for Valentine’s set to Diemer’s modern interpretation of Agnus Dei.

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560 Music Center

The 560 Music Center was built in 1930 as the Shaare Emeth Temple. This beautiful Art Deco building features hand tiled mosaics and was home to the Saint Louis Conservatory and School for the Arts.

Backstage left to right: Rachel Brown, Molly Wright, Kendall Pomerleux, Rachael Servello, Rachel Bodi, Mary Virtue Claremont, Harrison Parker

Backstage left to right: Rachel Brown, Molly Wright, Kendall Pomerleux, Rachael Servello, Rachel Bodi, Mary Virtue Claremont, Harrison Parker